One of the toughest jobs in building a successful network marketing team is finding the right people. But who are the right people? Who do I know who will work the business and who won't?
Haven't you ever heard that apples are people too?
Probably not.
I was sitting around last night thinking of something I can share with other people like myself. People who work hard building a network marketing business but don't seem to be getting anywhere.
All I ever here by my up line is talk to more people. But how many people do we need to talk to to get the results we need. They say you have to get 100 no's before you will get a yes. But what does that mean?
As strange as it might seem apples are what popped in my head. Sounds weird but once I explain the analogy I believe you will get it. So, let's divide apples into 3 groups. Where there are green apples, red apples and brown apples. Now, this analogy is not mine and I am not going to claim it to be mine. But it was something that popped in my head to share with you. I think it will help those of you understand who you should be promoting your product to instead force feeding it to everyone you see. This will help you separate people ans concentrate on those that matter.
So, here it is at it's best.
There are 3 groups of people on Planet Apple that you will encounter. Two of these groups you want to spend your time promoting too. Promoting to the wrong group is just a waist of time, money and effort. I say it is a waste of breath. These groups are the green apple people, red apple people and the brown apple people.
The first group are the green apple people. They will be the ones who are most interested in your opportunity and your product. They have an open mind and willing to hear what you have to say. If you ask them "Do you look for other ways to make money" and they say yes, don't waste anytime to get them to look at your most powerful presentation video. Make sure to spend 80% of the time with the green apple people.
The second group of people are the red apple people. They are your maybe group. They are very leery of what you are offering but they will still be open minded and give you a chance to present your business to them. You want to spend about 20% of your time helping them because they are not sure if it is for them. The red apple people are also the question group. They want to ask a lot of questions and if you can't answer their questions or the business presentation was too complicated they will walk.
The Third and final group as may of guessed are the brown apple people. This group are argumentative. Everything that comes out of their mouth is negative and will bring you down. This group you should only give 0% of your time. If ask the same question you asked the green and red apple people and they start to be negative walk away.
Separate your people into each group, not before you pop the question but after. By separating them you will have a better idea of who you can talk to and those you don't want to waste your time with.
Written by Lonnie Niver